both of them briliant players, and great composers
ritchie was the reason i picked the guitar and page made me fall in love with the pentatonic scales and the blues music..
Led Zeppelin you were talking about blackmore's music being simple... i think not!
probably you didn't hear enough purple and rainbow stuff... i know there is an opinion about blackmore that he's only major power chords player.. but behind this man hides great knowledge of theory.. i'm pretty sure that in the year 1972 he was the only rock guitar player that knew what is harmomic minor, and what are arrpegios.. he brought the exotic scales to rock, and he was one of the first guitar players to include clasical stuff in his music. i know that his most familiar stuff like smoke on the water is very simple, but songs like april ,why didnt rosemary, and many others shows that he's not as simple as many people think.
What is also really great about ritchie is the fact that his music is not limited to one style and the purple albums include almost any style of popular music u can think of
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek