View post (Do I have to much general guitar knowledge? Do I need to focus? Suggestions?)
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Hello all. I have been playing guitar for about 4 years and practice atleast an hour a night. I take the scientific approach to everything thinking there is a right and a wrong way to play and my buddy says I have to much knowledge and need to just play. I picked up the guitar because I love SRV and other blues players and really want to be a blues-rock type player. What do I need to do: 1. stop learning scales and chords 2. try to write songs 3. start transcribing more songs 4. get lessons. most of you will probably say do all but what else do you suggest besides these and how would you prioritize them in terms of importance to your learning? Not really sure what I'm asking here but I've really reached a plateau in my playing and need to know if you all suggest I just pick a discipline and focus on it or what. Thanks all.