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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
Posts: 3,837
04/07/2005 4:31 am
Originally Posted by: SG SupremeVancouver, B.C. eh?

you know what? I was just about to post a reply asking one of these people from canada to say 'eh?' for me... but you already did... awesome. if I were to ever go to canada, it would be to hear someone say that, or to drink before age 21 ;)

me? I'm in north california, originally from pennsylvania. I used to live about an hour from philedelphia, and now I live about an hour from san fransisco... lot's and lot's of people with rainbows on their cars around here, if you know what I mean...
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