View post (I've done it, it cost me $1200 but I did it)

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Joined: 09/19/02
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Joined: 09/19/02
Posts: 3,941
02/22/2005 8:55 pm
I agree with KingDavid, you should post a pic of you with your new baby when you get it...if you can stop playing it long enough.

I remember the day that I finally saved up enough money to purchase my beloved PRS Custom 22. It was a glorious day that almost brought tears to my eyes (ok, well, not quite that bad). I had to travel about 120 miles to go pick it up, and I couldn't wait to get home to play it... literally. I stopped of at one of my friends that lives roughly midway's between where I got it and where I live, to play it through his amp :rolleyes:

I hope you enjoy!
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Tonja Renee's personal instructor[/FONT]