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Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
10/14/2004 5:19 pm
As for range, I'd say Freddie Mercury. He not only hit the highs, but could also sing low notes with power and a wicked tone, whereas I think the guy from the Darkness can only scream super high. Also, the singer from Scorpions (can't remember his name offhand and am too lazy to Google it).

Tone-wise, I like Freddie Mercury, Thom Yorke, Chris Cornell, Janis Joplin. There are others...
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
