I considered that one, but I was struck by the fact that there's nothing to positively locate the bottom of the guitar body. Then I read the reviews, and, sure enough, an unhappy owner was carping about how some of his guitars would twist out of place, and then drop through the frame on to the floor. Since I usually take only two or three axes to a jam, the Pinnacle triple suited me just fine.
On the other hand, if I was still giging regularly, I would definitely get one of these Warwick 7 stands. Notice the bumper strips that separate the guitar bodies from each other, and also prevent them from turning. I have seen these racks in use, and they are a really well-designed and built piece of kit.
But, for $25, the Pinnacle triple is the ticket for most players.
What I want now, is a 20-foot guitar cord that can shrug off being stepped on all day (by players who really should know better), with really effective strain relief at the connectors (for when the stupid clod that's been stepping on my cord finally trips on it :mad: ), for a price of less than $50! The fools that offer me $100 cables haven't figured out that I'd rather go wireless than buy 3 or 4 cords at that price!