Power Pop From the 80s

The 80's were full of incredibly fun, very distinctive music that remind us all of colorful leotards, and big hair. From artists like Cyndi Lauper, Flock of Seagulls and The Police, these bands and their hits created an entire culture that inspires us all even today. Check out these Power Pop From the 80s songs!

In this set of lessons, Mike Olekshy will teach you "One Thing Leads to Another", as made famous by The Fixx. Mike will start with a song overview, then a look at the gear and tones; then launch into the funky riff that is played throughout the tune. Mike will then show you the synth melody, adapted for guitar. To conclude, we'll do a play along performance, then a jam along.
Published: 02/20/2013 Upgrade
Douglas will show you this new wave classic featuring lots of cool guitar parts and textures that give you a great representation of some of the guitar sounds heard in the early 80's. These include some funky, minor pentatonic licks, textured guitars with lots and lots of reverb, some cool guitar counterpoint, as well some ringing harmonics with a whammy bar and some effects.
Published: 01/28/2015 Upgrade
In this tutorial, Sharon Aguilar will teach "Girls Just Want to Have Fun", as made famous by Cyndi Lauper. Sharon will introduce the song and talk about gear and tone, then start in on all the funky single-note riffing that occurs in the sections of the song. Then we'll break down the double stop riffing in the various sections, followed by a "simple chord" version of the song. We end with full and single guitar play alongs, and a jam along.
Published: 08/25/2014 Upgrade
Six rock guitar lessons cover the techniques involved in this rockin' 80's tune. This song is chock full of riffs and licks, and is propelled by driving rhythm guitar. You'll learn the main parts - intro, verse, and chorus - plus the call and response dialogue between the guitar and vocals, "mini-leads", and more.
Published: 10/20/2009 Upgrade
In this eight lesson tutorial we'll be learning the song "Message in a Bottle", as made famous by The Police. This tune broke as a hit on the cusp of the 1980s, and was one the of the songs that propelled The Police to superstardom. Anders Mouridsen will teach you the jazzy, driving main verse riff, the harmonized guitar part that goes along with the main riff, the rockin' first half of the chorus, the quiet reggae second half, the leads, and he'll also talk a bit about the tone and effects. As always, he'll play it all through in a full performance.
Published: 11/28/2010 Upgrade
In these song lessons we'll learn the classic radio hit "Every Breath you Take", as made famous by The Police. Henrik Linde will guide you through the gear and tone, the add 9 chords, the chords and progressions in the different sections of the song, the rhythmic elements, and the right hand techniques used. Then we'll play through it all in a full performance.
Published: 12/10/2010 Upgrade
Mike Olekshy has become one of our Police experts, and in this tutorial he'll teach you the guitar parts to "Spirits in the Material World", as made famous by The Police. Mike will talk about the gear and tone, then teach you the ska verse, the lines in the chorus, the ascending/descending chords in the bridge, and as a bonus he'll show you the synth line melody on guitar. Then it's time to play the whole song in a play-along performance.
Published: 08/09/2011 Upgrade
In this set of lessons, Neal Walter will teach you the 80's classic "Treat Me Right" as made famous by Pat Benatar. This rockin' guitar song is built around a driving 12/8 triplet feel. We'll take you through the verse, the chorus, the accents and rhythms, the screamin' solo, and top it all off with a playalong.
Published: 04/21/2010 Upgrade
This tutorial takes a look at a big classic rock hit of the late 70s/early 80s, Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot". Henrik Linde takes you through the main riff (a truly classic rock guitar hook) that occurs in the intro and choruses, the verse progression, the solo, the bridge, the "stadium rock" ending, and finishes off with a full performance play-through.
Published: 11/13/2010 Upgrade
This song has a lot of the same elements and energy as a British Invasion tune in the spirit of The Who. We'll talk about how to be a support player and how to build excitement throughout the song, and play the rhythm and strumming parts. Also learn to get that raw tone and play the main hook, then play through the entire song along with our backing track.
Published: 08/24/2009 Upgrade
There are no guitars in the synth-heavy recorded version, but Mike will show you how to add some simple guitar parts to be able to carry the tune. The song opens right into the groove with a simple chord progression that forms the foundation for the verse and chorus sections. There is also a prechorus section that builds the arrangement with some slower chord changes.
Published: 01/17/2018 Upgrade